Monday, January 5, 2009

Multi-tasking can be dangerous and more

Who you gonna CALL?
Recent reports suggest that people using a cell phone are 4 times more likely to have an accident. what about these teens that actually text while driving? Bottom Line: If you aren't driving DEFENSIVELY, you may be in trouble! Wake up America! TEXTING WHILE may not live to fight another day!

Drive...JUST DRIVE, Please!
Now to the rest of you...listen up! Eating in your car while rolling down the highway at 70 mph is not the smartest thing you've done. Putting on make-up or reading the paper is also stupid...wake up people. Too many Highway Patrol Officers are getting killed by inattentive drivers. Too often while arresting someone for a moving violation an officer of the law loses his/her life to another driver who swerves out of control. I know, I damn near killed an S.D. Highway Patrolman while reaching for a water bottle on the floor of the passenger side. He was not too happy with me! Thank God I noticed I was vearing in a nick of time.

Break-in Tip
Economy is depressed -- Burglaries are on the rise! No Kidding? Access is usually gained through an open window, unlocked door, or an unlocked first floor window. Now is a good time to lock the place up (even while you are at home)! Many druggies don't care if the home is occupied or not...they are just thinking about the next high.

2009 – Time for Change

The View from Here…
Forget the Diet – most fail!
Make Healthy Choices and turn them into Healthy Habits!

Fact: Your TV may be Killing You! You have to Move to Lose!

Adults need Physical Exercise 3-5 times a week – There is no other way!
30 minutes 3 times a week will do it. Turn off the TV for a couple hours a week and take a walk – that would be a great start!

Fact: Portion Size in America is OUT OF CONTROL!
If you eat out…set ¼ - 1/3 of the portion aside and take it home
Sometimes a ½ of the meal served in a restaurant is a FULL Serving.

Fact: Fast Food is killing people! Fast food = Fast Death!
Come on a 400 pound teenager. A HALF TON Dad! Doesn’t anybody eat regular food anymore? High fat, high sodium, high Cholesterol and all this for only $2.99! Go ahead Super-size Me! Fat is the new Thin! WAKE UP AMERICA!!

Fact: We have become a fat, lazy society! I am not criticizing…just stating a fact!
Like most Americans my pants are tight. The good life is taking its toll. 50 years ago it was hard to find a guy is his 40’s packing a lot of extra weight. People were more physically active and didn’t live (or die) on fast food as we are today. Today morbid obesity is all too common.

Choose today to adapt a healthy lifestyle…take responsibility for yourself…It really is up to you.
NO, it may not be easy, but it will allow you a better life. Too many people in this country are diabetic because they are overweight. Many more are fighting high blood pressure, high cholesterol and suffering heart attacks and strokes because it is EASY!

Its 2009…Start living RIGHT... forget the diet (the first 3 letters spell DIE – because diets kill people too). Remember if you’re not actively working to stay in shape…your health is deteriorating.

A safe and healthy life begins at home. But to stay SAFE (On or Off the job) don’t forget to:
Keep your Mind ON TASK! – FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!!!
Stay out of the Line of Fire – (Be aware of the dangers around you; keep track of your other hand; know what your co-workers are doing)
Keep your Eyes on Task!
Maintain Balance, Traction and Grip! – Use handrails; practice 100% Tie off; keep ladders and stairways clean; replace work boots as necessary; use care when mounting and dismounting equipment, etc.

Make it a Great Year --- Safe Production is the key and that BOTH YOU and ME!