Friday, February 6, 2009

Safety - Off the Job!

Week 6 Health and Safety Tip
Don’t think you can let your guard down just because you punched out. Safety issues are a 24/7 Concern - Keep Your Guard Up.
In fact, studies have shown that you are more likely to get injured off the job. Approximately 70 percent of all deaths and more than 55 percent of all injuries happen away from work. Home-related accidents account for an estimated 20,000 deaths and 25 million injuries annually.
-Do you follow proper safety procedures at home?
-Are you using the proper tools and equipment?
-Do you wear PPE at home? You only have two eyes – wear those safety glasses (and your other PPE too!
Physical/emotional suffering causes immeasurable grief to loved ones
Grief often leads to anger, blame and stress which can wreck a marriage
Your family needs you to stay healthy, so work safely on and off the job.
Motor vehicle accidents are a major cause of the accidents and injuries. Too many people are trying to multi-task while driving; many drivers are fatigued; some drivers are under the influence. Driving is serious business and you should drive defensively. Bottom Line: When you drive – Just Drive! Teach your children to take the responsibility of driving seriously and Never, Never Drink and Drive!

Around the house falls are the number 1 cause of injury and death. Use fall protection, buy or rent a good ladder when you need one; if you have small kids put up the kiddie gates and Keep an Eye on Them – They are what’s important! Fires are also a concern – are your smoke detectors (and carbon monoxide detectors) working. Have kids – have a fire drill and an escape plan.
Have a pool (or five gallon buckets around) beware of drowning concerns. Poisoning (chemicals, cleaners, medications) is another concern with small kids in the house. Make sure babysitters stay off the cell and focus on watching your children when you are away!
Safety is a way of life – Take control of your life; be a Safety Leader 24/7

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Safety Tidbits 2-9-09

Save a Buck or Two
Here are a few tips that can save you a little money: Every little bit helps.
Change your furnace filter or save even more…
Check the seals around doors and windows and
Turn the thermostat down a degree or two and shave 10% off your heating bill
Make sure the tires on your car are properly inflated and change the air filter...
Oh and driving a few mph slower saves gas, too!
Carpooling/Ride sharing can save you even more.
Order water instead of coffee or a soda when eating out…
Pack your lunch and save even more.
If everyone in the family has a cell phone-consider eliminating the land line.
Check out the movie selection at your local library instead of renting…
And check out a book while you're there -- rather than buying one.
Eat a healthy breakfast and fill a travel mug with coffee from home
…instead of buying coffee every morning
Look for deals and learn to say ‘NO!’

Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in oneself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent. -Sophia Loren

Are you focused?

Many employees are stressed because of the current economic situation. People are thinking about their own situation and what will happen if they get laid off. Some have spouses who are now out of work; many are falling behind on bills…they are not focused on the task at hand and that can lead to accidents and injuries. Daily tailgate meetings can help employees get their minds back on the job. With Eyes and Mind on Task, workers are aware of their surrounding and better able to Stay out of the Line of Fire. If your company has an Employee Assistance Program, make sure your employees are aware of it.

Build on your Successes
Every day without an injury or accident is a success. It starts when each employee makes a commitment to safety. We must all choose to make safety a core personal value. It cannot simply be a priority – we all know priorities change. Doing the right thing is not always easy but it is Always Right. Challenge yourself to Stand Up and Speak Out for Safety whenever you see a safety concern. Finding a deficiency or witnessing an unsafe act is your OPPORTUNITY to make a positive impact in somebody’s life. Like the folks at Nike say, ‘Just Do It!’

Quote of the Week
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. -Abraham Lincoln