Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tidbits – 2/20/08

Did You Know…?
-Do not go out on ice that is less than 2” thick. 8-15” of clear ice is needed to support a vehicle.
-Kerosene heaters can be dangerous due to the Carbon Monoxide they produce. The colorless, odorless gas can be deadly in enclosed spaces.
-By age 55, 80% of people may show some sign of osteoarthritis. Take your calcium!
-The 5-year survival rate for prostate and breast cancer is over 84%, but only about 4% for pancreatic cancer victims.
-About 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer annually. A healthy diet, exercise, and early diagnosis greatly improve your odds.
-Sometimes when you’re feeling hungry, your body is telling you it needs water!
-Annually, more than 1 million eye injuries occur at home. Another 1.4 million occur on the job. Safety glasses–wear’em and see the future!

Proud Mary -- but not too Proud
“The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself - something that's in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered.” --Tina Turner

Lessons I've learned from My Deaf Dog
-Silence is golden! But it can also be lonely especially in the information age!
-This is your life, enjoy it! Life can be great, but only if you get excited about it.
-People Need Attention, too! Often we’re too busy to notice, but you can make somebody’s day just by smiling, asking how they are, and then listening awhile.
-Leftovers aren’t all bad…especially when you have to eat on the run.
-Affection is good! Surprising someone with a wet kiss once in awhile is O.K., unless you’ve been drinking out of the toilet.
-Everybody needs a stress reducer! Play some ball; go for a walk; tear a newspaper to shreds; or just run around in circles awhile – Exercise is good for you!
-Learn to forgive! Even best friends won’t always see eye to eye (get over it!)
-Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff! People (and dogs) make mistakes; things go wrong -- That’s Life – don’t lose sight of what is important (friends and family).
-Every day is a precious gift. Live in the moment! Enjoy the company of those you love while they are still here – time is fleeting. Sometimes tomorrow never comes.

Learn to Live
“Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.”
--Bertolt Brecht

Aspirin, Alcohol and Poisons
-The JAMA has reports taking aspirin before consuming alcohol increases blood alcohol levels by 26%, and the aspirin slows the body's metabolism.
-Put cleaners, pills and dangerous chemicals out of reach of children. Of the 2 million poisonings that occur each year, about half involve children.

Quote of the Week
“You can't help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself.” --H. Norman Schwarzkopf

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