Monday, July 28, 2008

Get in the GAME!

Week 31/Safety Tip 31
We know are jobs and we know the rules…so what is the problem? Rules are rules and they apply all the time!

We all see unsafe conditions occasionally, but most go unreported…why is that? Think of your co-workers!

Supervisors if someone reports an unsafe condition, you need to take action…are you addressing these issues… if not WHY?

We know speeding is dangerous and wastes gas, but we do it anyway…WHY? Consider the risks!

We tell our teenagers to follow the rules of the road but then we roll through a Stop sign or speed through a red light (with them in the car) because ‘we’re in a hurry.’ What message are we sending them?

We all know an unsafe act when we see one but most of the time we just keep walking…WHY? Watch out for your fellow workers!

Everyone is responsible for housekeeping yet some of us don’t bother to clean up our work areas when we are done…Why is that? Step Up!

We harp on our kids about wearing seat belts, we know they save lives, but we never wear them…Why is that? Buckle Up!

We know the 3-points of contact rule but, some of you ignore this rule when climbing ladders or equipment…WHY? Falls account for more than 10% of workplace fatalites.

We all know horseplay is not allowed on the job, yet it continues…WHY?
We’re adults and need to act like it.

We only have two eyes and two ears but some of us fail to wear PPE consistently…WHY? Just Do it!

Approximately 17 people die and another 17,000 suffer disabling injuries everyday on the job in AMERICA…WHY? Because people are dropping the ball and that gets people hurt. SAFETY- Get off the bench, get into the game…we’re all counting on YOU!

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