Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Getting the ducks in a row

These MSHA-required records must be maintained by mine operators. Just a reminder, when your friendly MSHA inspector stops by...this is what he or she will be looking for...
-Comprehensive Part 46 Training Program (update annually)
-Part 62 - Hearing Conservation Program and annual training records (must cover all 7 points listed in 62.180)
-Written HazCom (Hazardous Communication) Program
-Miners’ Representative (and contact information) - 40.3 Post it!
-MSHA 2000-7 Legal ID (Update as needed) – 41.12
-MSHA 7000-1: Accident Reports (MSHA Reportables – each one must be investigated)
-MSHA 7000-2: Quarterly Employment Reports
-Supervisors’ Daily Workplace Exams - 56.18002
-Mobile Equipment Inspections - 56.14100
-Firefighting equipment inspection records - 56.4201 (If contract company is used they need written documentation of inspections)
-Continuity and resistance of electrical equipment grounding test records (56.12028) (Due 12 months following last inspection)
-Pressure Vessel Inspections - 56.13012 (Varies by State; MSHA enforces the State regulations)
-Current First aid Records – Documentation for currently trained individuals capable of providing first-aid assistance on all shifts when hazardous work is being conducted - 56.18010
-Independent Contractor Register - List of Contractors working on site with contact information (and MSHA ID if they have one) - 45.4
-If applicable, Respirator Protection Program and respirator fit-testing records requested during MSHA health sampling activities of employees (determines penalty if there is an over-exposure to surveyed contaminants).
MSHA EFS may be able to help you get your plan into compliance. Small mines personnel can help the small mines group (companies with less than 5 employees) and in special circumstances they may be able to assist contractors with their plans if the mine operator requests such assistance in writing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very very important to have those records. MSHA Certification training is really a very important training miners should take as it is one of the things they can use to ensure their safety while working