Monday, December 10, 2007


One of the presentations at this year’s MSHA TRAM was on Professionalism. One must remember the importance of maintaining a professional image no matter what it is we do. For safety professionals this is extremely important. We must be careful not to compromise our reputation and should always lead from the front. Safety professionals are constantly talking the safety talk and it is vital that we ‘walk the walk’. A couple other key pointers are listed below.

Recognize all workers as professionals. Treat everyone you work with as an equal; each employee possesses a skill that they have been hired to perform. Recognizing employees and contractors as the professionals they are will give them cause to treat you the same way.

Respect those with whom you work. Remember to be courteous to both employees and contractors. This will give people a reason to ‘work with you’ and they will be more apt to reply positively than if you disrespect them.

Be kind. Sometimes people forget to use the proper PPE or follow the proper procedure because their mind was not on task. Give them a friendly reminder and make sure they understand the risk.

Don’t intimidate but EDUCATE. You won’t make any points by embarrassing someone. If a mistake is made, or a point not clear explain the WHY. Once people know why they have to do something they are more likely to comply and they will appreciate you taking the time to explain the point to them.

Maintain your focus. Remember everyone is trying to get through the day without an injury. People take chances because they do not see or understand the risk. People are not coming to work to get hurt…they are on our side. But it is up to the safety professional to keep everyone pulling in the same direction. Maintaining a positive attitude and working with people is the best way to achieve our goal.

Safety is the key that unlocks the door of success!

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