Monday, November 19, 2007

Holiday Safety Tips

-More a million DRUNK Drivers are convicted every year. Many lives are destroyed by the fatalities and disabling injuries caused by people driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
-So Drink responsibly, and be careful of eating too much. A full driver can be a drowsy, dangerous driver. Be careful and make it home safely.
-If you are traveling let people know when to expect you, make sure your cell phone is fully charged or pickup a charger that fits in the cigarette lighter.
-Chirstmas lights can lead to home fires so be careful.
-Don’t connect more than three sets of lights to an extension cord (and buy a good cord not the one for $1.00).
-Keep cords and lights away from water under the tree and from flammables.
-Don’t run cords under rugs or carpet as wires can overheat and start a fire.
-Don’t string outside lights in cold weather and never use indoor lights outdoors, as internal wiring can get brittle and break creating electrical hazards.
-Unplug Christmas tree lights and blow out the candles when going to bed or leaving the house.
-Keep an eye on the little ones...trees do tip over and candle wax can burn...don't let the holidays turn into a tragedy. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

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