Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's Your Life...

by Safety Wayne
In your life do a little good everyday... for all too soon it slips away
You can't go back to fix mistakes so learn from them and it'll be OK.

Be a friend to ever person you meet; an enemy to none
Many people have no friends and some have only one.

We must all do our part to improve the world as we go along our way
Actions speak louder than words -- isn't that what they say?

So be a doer, but always do things right
That way you’ll be able to sleep well each night.

Count your blessings (not your problems) no matter how few
There'll always be people with more troubles than you

And for the folks who seem to have it all
For them it is harder to hear His Call!

So be kind to strangers and share your love with family and friends
Avoid anger and hate – they just lead to dead ends.

Enjoy the day (Rain or Shine) especially if you can see it!!
If you want to see change in the world, You may have to be it.

Make a difference, go ahead - take a chance now and then
When you get to the pearly gates, He'll ask, ‘what have you done; where've you've been?’

I recommend you have a good answer that day, oh and a nice big grin
And then, God-willing you might just get in!

I’ll keep walking through life with Him by my side
Knowing failure doesn’t matter as long as we’ve tried.

And one day again soon we all will Rejoice
When we’re in His presence and hearing His sweet voice

It's your life so make it worthwhile in the end
And as always, May God bless you my friend.

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