Thursday, June 5, 2008

Water Safety Tips

Summer is rapidly approaching and many people will be spending time near or on the water in the days and weeks ahead. Each year approximately 3000 lives are lost due to water-related deaths (many of them toddlers). Here are some tips from for a safe experience.
-Remember kids don’t drown only in pools. Bathtubs, buckets, toilets and hot tubs present drowning dangers too. Keep an eye on them!
-Never leave a child alone near water: on the beach, at a pool, or in the bathtub. If you must leave, take your child with you. It doesn't take long to lose a precious life!
-Enroll children over age three in swimming lessons taught by qualified instructors. Lessons won’t make your child "drown-proof" but will teach them some helpful skills.
-Always follow posted safety precautions when visiting water parks. They are designed to protect you and your family!
-If you’re visiting a public pool, keep an eye on your kids. Lifeguards aren’t babysitters.
Teach your children these key swimming rules:
-Don't swim alone. Always swim with a buddy.
-Jump feet first to avoid hitting your head on a shallow bottom. Don't dive into unknown bodies of water.
-Don't push or jump on others.
And remember
-Avoid alcohol when operating a boat.

-Use approved personal flotation devices (life jackets). They can be a LIFESAVER!
-Be prepared for emergencies. Keep a first-aid kit and emergency phone contacts handy.
-Don’t underestimate the power of water. Even rivers and lakes can have undertows.
Parents should learn CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). You could save a life!

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