Thursday, March 5, 2009


Safety Tidbits - Did you know…
More than 70% of substance abusers are gainfully employed.
40% of all automobile accidents involve alcohol or drug use.
60% of all boating accidents involve drugs or alcohol abuse.

Check out those government websites
Lots of new stuff posted at (e.g., meet the new Secretary of Labor - Hilda Solis, POV screening criteria, hazard alerts, and more) - If you haven’t visited the site lately you’ll see some changes. The site has been updated as well – lots of good info (e.g., 2008 enforcement activity, planned public hearing on the new crane/derrick standard, ‘quick takes’ and more).

Sign, sign everywhere a SIGN
Do you take the time to read the signs (on the job or on the road)? Many people don’t!
Ignoring a sign can get you in trouble whether it is a stop sign or a dual hearing protection sign. The signs are there to Protect YOU!
Read and Heed the signs!
Report signage that is no longer legible!

Remember: You are the one MOST RESPONSIBLE for YOUR Safety!

March is Save Your Vision Month

When was your last eye exam? If you can’t remember then it is time to get one. Eye exams can detect vision deficiencies and eye disease. Some eye diseases can cause eye damage including vision loss without any warning signs.

For example, Glaucoma develops gradually and painlessly without symptoms. Vision loss may have already become permanent Before You Know it! Routine eye exams can also detect other health problems (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, etc.) that manifest themselves in the eyes.

The American Optometric Association recommends adults have an eye exam once every two or three years from ages 18 – 40; once every year or two from 41 – 60 years; and annually for those over the age of 60 to keep your eyes healthy. American Optometric Assn.

And…WEAR that Eye Protection along with the rest of your PPE!!!

Quote of the Week

The manager aItalicccepts the status quo; the leader challenges it. -Warren Bennis

Manager or Leader, the choice is yours…
Never compromise Safety…Step Up!

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