Saturday, August 15, 2009

Avoid Complacency!

This is a modified version of something we received from the folks at FHR (thanks KK)!
One of the most important parts of every task is to Maintain Your Focus! It is not easy to stay focused with all life’s distractions. Here are a few things you can do!

Leave personal issues at home. Allowing personal problems to creep into our work day can cause workers to lose focus! When you are at work FOCUS on WORK. In the car, FOCUS on Driving! Keep your mind on the task you are doing to avoid accidents and injuries.

Communicate with co-workers prior to performing the task. Make sure all affected employees understand the job task. Effective communication between supervisors and workers is a must! Supervisors should ask workers to explain the expectation to ensure everyone is on the same page. Miscommunications and assumptions can lead to accidents and injury, so when you are unsure ASK!

Review JSAs and Safe Work Permits! Make sure all job steps are identified and address each hazard appropriately. Knowing the hazards and taking actions to mitigate each is a great way to avoid a mishap. Remember to be on the lookout for unforeseen hazards and Speak up if a problem is noted!

Check the work area prior to the task! Taking time to walk through the area is just as important as reviewing the job steps and associated permits with the permit writer. Workers must be aware of any conditions that could pose a hazard while the task is performed. Verify the work area is safe; never assume all hazards have been addressed/removed!

Actively participate in the JSA and Safe Work Permit Process. Don’t just depend on other employees -- take an active role in YOUR Safety! Review the steps and know the expectations -- take ownership of the task. Each employee brings a different skill set to the table - share what you know!

Stick to the requirements of the JSA and/or Permit. Field deviations can lead to trouble. Double check the JSA as needed. If the procedure must be changed, Make Time for Safety: review any potential NEW hazard, communicate the changes and get a new permit issued when necessary. Each change can bring new hazards and increase the potential for an injury!

Stay healthy. Eat right, get plenty of sleep and drink only in moderation. If you are sick, don’t come to work. It is difficult to keep your mind focused on your job task if you are not feeling well. Are you taking medication that causes drowsiness - if so you should not be performing safety sensitive tasks.

ASK Questions and OFFER Input! If you are not sure about a particular aspect of your job task, or something just does not feel right, STOP. Contact your supervisor immediately and make sure you feel comfortable before proceeding. And, whenever you see a deficiency or an opportunity to make a positive difference - Speak up! Your input matters!

Keeping your focus is not only a good idea, it is a requirement if we want to get everyone home at the end of their shift! MAKE TIME FOR SAFETY -- it is a Shared Responsibility!

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