Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Trouble with Safety!

FYI, I wrote this after watching co-workers cutting across the parking one afternoon; it seemed almost everyone was too busy to bother using the relative safety of the cross walks. I hope you are not too busy for safety. Every now and then, we all need to remind ourselves to Slow Down and Make Time for Safety!

The Trouble with Safety
By Safety Wayne

The trouble with safety according to me,
It’s just too inconvenient for some folks, you see.

They have things to do and a lot to get done,
So corners… yeah, Sometimes they DO cut some.

Why walk to the corner to cross the street,
Just because the crosswalk is all painted and neat!?

Does it really matter if you cross right here?
No it doesn’t – heck, you've done it for years!

So what is the problem you simply may ask
In taking short cuts while performing a task.

Well…Breaking the rules and taking chances you’ll see,
Keeps getting easier – and that’s a problem for me!

If you take short cuts and get lucky you think you can do it again,
BUT next time you may not be as lucky as you’ve been.

Some will get injured and yes some will die,
Leaving family and friends trying to figure out WHY???

Why would this loved one risk injury and life
Had he forgotten about his children or his wife?

If it happens to you, you’ll have regrets this much is true
But if you’re seriously injured, you may no longer be you.

Work safely for the special people in your life,
Avoid the pain, the rehab, and having to explain it to your wife!

Oh yeah, and watch out for the other guy too,
And if you’re lucky, maybe he'll even watch out for you.

Safety, safety, safety, why can’t you just leave us be?
Because people mistakenly believe ‘Accidents won’t happen to me”.

Accidents and injuries happen when we get in a rush,

and The Trouble with Safety... well I guess its US!

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