Thursday, August 13, 2009

MBWA - spend some time out of the office!

Note: We use Safe Work Permits for many tasks (Confined Space Entry, Energized Work, LO/TO, Critical Lifts, and other non-routine tasks) to reduce the potential for injury. But, even if you don't use permits, it pays to spend time in the field.
Think about it! - 'The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.' -Denis Waitley

Get out among the Team
These days it seems like there is more and more paperwork to do, more phone calls to return, and more emails to write or respond to -- that may never change. But don't forget about the importance of interacting with our employees and contractors. Please continue to have your managers and supervisors field verify Safe Work Permits. There are several good reasons for requiring managers and supervisory personnel to do this, once the task/project has begun. Here are just a few:

-It follows the MBWA (Management by Walking Around) Principle which, among other things, makes the management/supervisory team MORE VISIBLE! Workers (employees and contractors) see you out there and they generally improve their behavior (work habits and safety awareness) because they see the management is watching.

-It Creates giving the management team a chance to SEE and know what is really going on out there! This first hand knowledge is invaluable. Sometimes assumptions are made (the employee or contractor thinks he/she understands our expectations or we think they do) and that can lead to accidents and injury.

-It Facilitates Compliance. It confirms they get it, when they do. Or helps us identify gaps that need to be filled. In either case, we can use the feedback for continuous improvement.

-It Increases the Knowledge Base of the team, since it creates opportunities for communication with crew members. Effective two-way communication is a great way to discuss ideas (brain storm) for improvement or identify problems so they can be addressed.

-It Builds Trust. Open communications with employees in the field helps to foster trust and team building. Each employee has something to add are we giving them ample opportunity to do so?

-It Shows Respect and can lead to Employee Fulfillment. Employees appreciate it when the management/supervisory team takes an active role. They like to be recognized and appreciated for their talents…having managers see them in the field (in their element) is a form of non-verbal recognition. Taking time to talk to the crew members (asking them specific questions about the task, the equipment, etc.) is a way to demonstrate you recognize them as trained professionals.

-It fosters Individual Accountability and Entrepreneurial Spirit. Once employees perceive you care, they are more likely to take ownership, and accept responsibility for their actions.

So please continue to field verify the permits. Your efforts are much appreciated.

That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well. -Abraham Lincoln

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