Thursday, January 17, 2008

Keep your focus

A serious injury occurred recently because a spotter took his "eyes off task" and that got me wondering if the contract employee was properly trained. Some supervisors complain about people not following rules but sometimes we make assumptions like 'all employees get the same training' or 'that is just common sense'. We forget that everybody has a different knowledge base from the various experiences and training they have received.

Now let's discuss the injury: The hoistman had lowered the load to the ground and the signal man/ground worker had disconnected the load and removed the slings. Job completed right? ...WRONG! The hoistman still had to pull the ball up and as he was doing this the signal man took his eyes off task and was talking with other workers in the area of the load. Well the electric control failed and the wire rope continued to retract onto the spool...the hoistman was trying to get the attention of his ground personnel to no avail. Then it happened... the ball broke loose and crashed to the ground. It glanced off one of the workers' hardhats and cracked his skull. Please...remind your people to Keep their Eyes and Minds on Task!

Lives can be forever changed in a second. This guy may never work again...learn from his mistakes...Keep'm safe out there!

Remember: To the world you may be only one person; but to one person you may be the world.

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