Friday, January 4, 2008

I've Got Your Back!

by Safety Wayne

You violated a safety rule again, so I couldn’t look the other way
Yes, I wrote you up and you’re not here today.

But you’ll be back again in 3 days time
You got time off for your safety crime.

Could your wife raise your kids all alone?
Think about that while you’re sitting at home

Some people think 3 days is too harsh for a safety infraction
But you could have fallen if you’d lost your traction.

The fall was only 6 feet, I agree that’s true
And maybe you’d have just gotten black and blue

But what if you’d fallen and hit your head
Why you could be a paraplegic or dead.

Now you’re mad but you’ll get over it one of these days
And hopefully you will realize that Safety pays!

And, if you’d gotten seriously hurt because I let you slide
It would really be tearing me up inside.

I have too many dead friends and don’t need another
Even if you stay mad, I’ll be watching out for you brother.

Yes, I’ve got your back it's what friends do…
Please tell me that you have mine too!

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