Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It’s a Wonderful Life

If you have seen the Jimmy Stewart classic (who hasn’t) you’ve probably asked yourself the following questions. ‘Who has benefited by my life on this earth?’ ‘How many lives have I touched?’ and ‘How would the lives of my friends and loved ones differ if I never existed?’ A small percentage of us may have some heroic moments to share, but most of us have had seemingly ‘normal lives’. However, we have all impacted people in ways we may never know. Smiling at an elderly woman in the grocery store or talking to the elderly gentleman in the doctor’s office; giving $5 to the bum on the street or asking someone how they are doing and actually listening; taking a child fishing, to a museum or park; or just sitting and consoling an old friend.

We all have the ability to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us and we are given ample opportunities to do so. Some of you have come to me or another supervisor, to report unsafe conditions that you’ve found (Thanks! – I appreciate your concern and you may have prevented an injury). Others have stopped a co-worker and told them to put on their PPE or tie off a ladder (It shows you care about your fellow man and that is truly priceless). Still others have gone to a supervisor or manager and said ‘this piece of equipment is unsafe to operate’ or ‘we need to address the following issue’ (and we know it is not an easy task…but it makes more difference than you will ever know). The real heroes (the everyday heroes) are those of you who continually Step up and Speak out for Safety and I tip my hat to each of you. Never quit! Never sit quiet when you can speak up and make a difference. Never quit caring about your health and safety and that of your co-workers. When we stop caring, we stop speaking up and people (friends, family members, co-workers) get hurt.

You have a chance to make a positive impact, everyday! Stand up and Speak out for Safety. If you don’t step up who will. We may never know who benefited from us doing the right thing. However, we generally know those affected when we fail to do the right thing. You have a personal choice to make everyday! Do what you must but remember we all have to live with the consequences.

It is a Wonderful Life…let’s keep it that way! Please continue to Stand up and Speak out for Safety!!

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